Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Idioms/ Phrases

  • List of some Idioms/ Phrases
  • Cost an arm and a leg: Very expensive.
  • Don't put all your eggs in one basket: Don't risk everything on one venture.
  • Hit the nail on the head: To be exactly right about something.
  • Jump on the bandwagon: To join or support something that is already successful or popular.
  • Let sleeping dogs lie: To avoid stirring up old conflicts.
  • Piece of cake: Something very easy.
  • Spill the beans: To reveal a secret.
  • Take with a grain of salt: To be skeptical about the truth or accuracy of something.
  • Under the weather: Feeling ill or not well.
  • A blessing in disguise: Something that seems bad or unlucky at first but turns out to be beneficial.
  • Burn bridges: To damage a relationship irreparably.
  • Close but no cigar: Almost succeeding but not quite.
  • Curiosity killed the cat: Being inquisitive can lead to trouble.
  • Fish out of water: Feeling uncomfortable in unfamiliar surroundings.
  • Hold your horses: Be patient and wait.
  • In the same boat: Facing the same challenges or circumstances.
  • Jump the gun: Acting prematurely or before the appropriate time.
  • Let the cat out of the bag: To reveal a secret unintentionally.
  • On thin ice: In a risky or uncertain situation.
  • Penny for your thoughts: Asking someone what they are thinking about.
  • Saved by the bell: Rescued from a difficult situation at the last moment.
  • The ball is in your court: It is up to you to make the next decision or take action.
  • When pigs fly: Something that will never happen.
  • Add insult to injury: To make a bad situation worse.
  • Break the ice: To initiate social interaction, especially in a new or awkward situation.
  • Call it a day: To decide to stop working on something for the day.
  • Cut to the chase: To get to the point without wasting time.
  • Don't judge a book by its cover: To not form an opinion based solely on appearance.
  • Go the extra mile: To make additional effort beyond what is expected.
  • Hit the sack: To go to bed or sleep.
  • In hot water: In trouble or facing difficulties.
  • Kill two birds with one stone: To accomplish two tasks with a single action.
  • Let bygones be bygones: To forget about past conflicts or grievances.
  • Miss the boat: To miss an opportunity.
  • Pull someone's leg: To tease or joke with someone.
  • Rain on someone's parade: To spoil someone's plans or happiness.
  • See eye to eye: To agree with someone.
  • Steal someone's thunder: To take attention away from someone else's achievement or success.
  • The ball is in your court: It is your turn or responsibility to make a decision or take action.
  • Time flies: Time passes quickly, often without realizing it.
  • Turn a blind eye: To ignore something intentionally.
  • Up in the air: Uncertain or undecided.
  • Walk on eggshells: To be very cautious in one's actions or speech to avoid upsetting someone. 
  • Bite the bullet: To face a difficult situation bravely.
  • Break a leg: A way to wish good luck, especially before a performance.
  • Cutting corners: Doing something in a cheaper or quicker way that may not be the best quality.
  • Don't cry over spilled milk: Don't be upset about something that has already happened.
  • Every cloud has a silver lining: There's something positive in every bad situation.
  • Kick the bucket: To die.
  • Once in a blue moon: Something that happens very rarely.
  • A taste of your own medicine: Experiencing something you have done to others.
  • Burn the midnight oil: To work late into the night.
  • Caught between a rock and a hard place: Facing a difficult decision or dilemma.
  • Cross that bridge when you come to it: Deal with a problem when it arises, not before.
  • Get your act together: Organize yourself and start behaving properly.
  • Keep an eye on: Watch or monitor closely.
  • Make a long story short: To summarize something briefly.
  • Pull someone's leg: To tease or joke with someone
  • A dime a dozen: Something common and inexpensive.
  • Barking up the wrong tree: Pursuing a wrong course of action or making incorrect assumptions
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