Monday, March 25, 2024

Circular - Company's Updated Resignation Policy (Sample)

                                           [Company Logo]                      Date: [Insert Date]

Circular on the  Revised Resignation Policy

The objective of this communication is to inform all about the recent updates to our company's

resignation policy, effective from 01- 04-2024. The aim is to ensure transparency, clarity, and

adherence to the revised policy guidelines, facilitating a smoother resignation process for both

employees and the organization. Thus, we have revised our resignation policy to streamline

procedures and provide clarity to all parties involved.

Key revisions to the resignation policy include:

Notice Period: Employees are required to give a notice period of [insert notice period-eg:2 weeks]

before resigning from their position. This allows us to manage the transition effectively and plan

accordingly for any necessary adjustments.

Resignation Procedure: Employees must submit their resignation in writing to their immediate
supervisor or the HR department. The resignation letter should include the intended last working
day and any pertinent details regarding the resignation.

Exit Interview: Upon resignation, employees may be invited to participate in an exit interview.
This provides an opportunity for employees to offer feedback on their experience with the
company and helps us identify areas for improvement.

Return of Company Property: Employees are responsible for returning any company property,
including but not limited to laptops, access badges, and company-issued documents, before their
last working day.

Final Settlement: The HR department will ensure that the employee's final settlement, including
any outstanding dues or benefits, is processed promptly.

Should you have any inquiries or require further elucidation regarding the updated policy, please do
not hesitate to contact the HR department. We encourage all employees to acquaint themselves
 with the revised resignation policy to ensure adherence. 

HR Department 

[Company Name]

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